Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 364页 2020 Morgan Kaufmann
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 47.99 2020-02-20 … 2021-05-28 … 91
Philip A. Bernstein      ISBN:9781558604155    原作名/别名:《》
Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional摘要

Principles of Transaction Processing is a clear, concise guide for anyone

involved in developing applications, evaluating products, designing systems,

or engineering products. This book provides an understanding of the internals of

transaction processing systems, describing how they work and how best to use them.

It includes the architecture of transaction processing monitors, transactional

communications paradigms, and mechanisms for recovering from transaction and

system failures.

Use of transaction processing systems in business, industry, and

government is increasing rapidly; the emergence of electronic commerce on

the Internet is creating new demands. As a result, many developers are

encountering transaction processing applications for the first time and need

a practical explanation of techniques. Software engineers who build and

market operating systems, communications systems, programming tools, and

other products used in transaction processing applications will also benefit

from this thorough presentation of principles. Rich with examples, it

describes commercial transaction processing systems, transactional aspects

of database servers, messaging systems, Internet servers, and

object-oriented systems, as well as each of their subsystems.

* Easy-to-read descriptions of fundamentals.

* Real world examples illustrating key points.

* Focuses on practical issues faced by developers.

* Explains most major products and standards, including IBM's CICS, IMS, and MQSeries; X/Open's XA, STDL, and TX; BEA Systems' TUXEDO; Digital's ACMS; Transarc's Encina; AT&T/NCR's TOP END; Tandem's Pathway/TS; OMG's OTS; and Microsoft's Microsoft Transaction Server.


is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Corporation and author of over 150 technical articles on database and transaction systems. He was previously lead architect for Digital Equipment Corporation’s transaction processing products group and was a professor at Harvard University. He is an ACM Fellow and member of the National Academy of Engineering.

is an independent consultant ...

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