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Picturing the Book of Nature读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 304页 2020 University Of Chicago Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 29.00 2020-02-20 … 2021-03-17 … 40
Sachiko Kusukawa      ISBN:9780226465296    原作名/别名:《》
Picturing the Book of Nature摘要

Because of their spectacular, naturalistic pictures of plants and the human body, Leonhart Fuchs' "De historia stirpium" and Andreas Vesalius' "De humani corporis fabrica" are landmark publications in the history of the printed book. But as "Picturing the Book of Nature" makes clear, they do more than bear witness to the development of book publishing during the Renaissance and to the prominence attained by the fields of medical botany and anatomy in European medicine. Sachiko Kusukawa examines these texts, as well as Conrad Gessner's unpublished "Historia plantarum", and demonstrates how their illustrations were integral to the emergence of a new type of argument during this period - a visual argument for the scientific study of nature. Kusukawa begins with a survey of the technical, financial, artistic, and political conditions that governed the production of printed books during the Renaissance. It was during the first half of the sixteenth century that learned authors began using images in their research and writing, but because the technology was so new, there was a great deal of variety of thought - and often disagreement - about exactly what images could do. Kusukawa investigates the works of Fuchs, Gessner, and Vesalius in light of these debates, scrutinizing the scientists' treatment of illustrations and tracing their motivation for including them in their works. What results is a fascinating and original study of the visual dimension of scientific knowledge in the sixteenth century.


Sachiko Kusukawa is a fellow in the history and philosophy of science at Trinity College, University of Cambridge.

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