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Mother Nature读书介绍

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书籍 752页 2020 Pantheon Books
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USD 14.00 2020-02-20 … 2021-02-15 … 12
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy      ISBN:9780679442653    原作名/别名:《》
Mother Nature摘要

We are tempted to think of maternal instinct as a quality a woman has or lacks. But the belief that mothers instinctively nurture their offspring--one of the West's most cherished ideals and a view widely accepted even in scientific circles--has become increasingly controversial. Mother Nature presents a radical new way of understanding how mothers act and why, and how this new understanding is changing the way scientists think about how evolution works.

Drawing on anthropology, history, literature, developmental psychology, and animal behavior, Sarah Hrdy examines the distinct biological and genetic elements that constitute maternal instinct. She strips away the biases implicit in conventional stereotypes of female nature to give us very different and provocative perspectives on maternal ambivalence, the links between maturity and ambition, mother love and sexual love, and why age-old tensions between the sexes persist--and are being played out today in efforts to control women's reproductive choices.

Combining decades of research with her own experience as a mother, Hrdy makes clear in this remarkable book what it means--from a historical and evolutionary perspective--to be a mother and explains how this knowledge has transformed our understanding of human development and behavior.



莎拉•布萊弗•赫迪(Sarah Blaffer Hrdy)

一九六九年畢業於萊德克里夫學院(Radcliffe College),畢業論文是探討心理適應如何、且為何影響人類創造幻想的妖魔。這篇論文後來出版,書名為《奇納坎坦的黑人:一個中美洲傳說》(The Black-man of Zinacantan: A Central American Legend)。

赫迪是科班出身的人類學家,轉而對靈長目動物的社會學產生興趣。為了研究一種猴類雄性的殺嬰行為,進入哈佛大學研究所,於一九七五年獲得博士學位,論文以《印度黑面長尾猴的兩性生殖策略》(The Langurs of Abu: Female and Male Strategies of Adaptation)為書名出版,成為第一部從社會學角度分析靈長目動物兩性對立的研究。


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