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Four Meals读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 336页 2020 Canongate UK
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 14.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-10-08 … 49
Meir Shalev      ISBN:9781841951140    原作名/别名:《》
Four Meals摘要

"Four Meals" is the extraordinary story of Zayde, his enigmatic mother Judith and her three lovers. When Judith arrives in a small, rural village in Palestine in the early 1930s, three men compete for her attention: Globerman, the cunning, coarse cattle-dealer who loves women, money and flesh; Jacob, owner of hundreds of canaries and host to the four meals which lend the book its narrative structure; and Moshe, a widowed farmer obsessed with his dead wife and his lost braid of hair which his mother cut off in childhood. During the four meals, which take place intermittently over several decades, Zayde slowly comes to understand why these three men consider him their son and why all three participate in raising him.


梅厄•沙莱夫(Meir Shalev),以色列著名小说家,当今希伯来文学创作领域文化积淀最为深厚丰富的作家之一,曾获以色列布伦纳奖、以色列总理奖、以色列伯恩斯坦奖、美国犹太图书奖、WIZO奖(法、以、意联合评选)、意大利朱莉娅书协奖、意大利Chiavari奖等奖项。代表小说有《蓝山》《以扫》《朱迪斯的爱人们》《耶路撒冷之鸽》等。此外,沙莱夫还撰写了大量的文论、随笔、讽刺故事及儿童文学作品。他的作品被译成26种语言,畅销多个国家。

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