The Knack 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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The Knack读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 256页 8.1 2020 PORTFOLIO
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GBP 17.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-07-05 … 10
Norm Brodsky      ISBN:9781591842217    原作名/别名:《》
The Knack摘要

Two of Inc. magazine’s hugely popular columnists show how small-business people can deal with all kinds of tricky situations.

People starting out in business tend to seek step-by-step formulas or specific rules, but in reality there are no magic bullets. Rather, says veteran entrepreneur Norm Brodsky, there’s a mentality that helps street-smart people solve problems and pursue opportunities as they arise. He calls it “the knack,” and it has made all the difference to the eight successful start-ups of his career.

Brodsky explores this mind-set every month in Inc. magazine, in the hugely popular column he co-writes with journalist and author Bo Burlingham (best known for his acclaimed book Small Giants). In both their column and now their book, they tell stories about real companies facing real challenges, and show readers how to apply “the knack” to their own businesses.

Brodsky and Burlingham offer essential advice such as:

• Follow the numbers—that’s the best way to spot problems before they become life threatening

• Keep focusing on your real goal--it’s amazingly easy to get sidetracked by secondary concerns

• Don’t get so close to the problem that you lose all perspective Brodsky and Burlingham prove that street smarts and business acumen can be within any entrepreneur’s reach.


Bo Burlingham is editor at large at Inc. magazine. He has also written for Esquire, Harper’s, Mother Jones, and The Boston Globe, among other publications, and is the coauthor, with Jack Stack, of The Great Game of Business and A Stake in the Outcome.

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