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Life Between Buildings读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 216页 2020 Island Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
25.00 GBP 2020-02-20 … 2020-05-29 … 88
Gehl, Jan      ISBN:9781597268271    原作名/别名:《》
Life Between Buildings摘要

The first Danish language version of this book, published in 1971, was very much a protest against the functionalistic principles for planning cities and residential areas that prevailed during that period. The book carried an appeal to show concern for the people who were to move about between buildings, and it urged an understanding of the subtle, almost indefinable - but definite - qualities, which have always related to the interaction of people in public spaces, and it pointed to the life between buildings as a dimension of architecture that needs to be carefully treated. Now 40 years later, many architectural trends and ideologies have passed by over the years. These intervening years have also shown that the liveliness and liveability of cities and residential areas continues to be a important issue. The intensity in which fine public spaces are used at this point in time, as well as the greatly increased general interest in the quality of cities and their public spaces emphasises this point. The character of life between buildings changes with changes in any given social context, but the essential principles and quality criteria to be employed when working with life between buildings has proven to be remarkably constant. Though this work over the years has been updated and revised several times, this version bears little resemblance with the very early versions, however there was no reason to change the basic message: Take good care of the life between your buildings.


扬·盖尔(Jan Gehl)1936年生,建筑师、丹麦皇家艺术学院的建筑学院城市设计系高级讲师。曾在世界各地的大学讲学,并在欧洲、北美、澳大利亚和远东地区进行设计咨询。他出版的著作包括《新城市空间》、《公共空间·公共生活——哥本哈根1996》等,获伊德拉(Edra)场地研究奖。为表彰盖尔对城镇规划的杰出贡献,国际建筑师联盟向他颁发了帕特里克·阿伯克罗姆比(sir Patrick Abercrombie)奖,爱丁堡的海里亚特一瓦特大学授予他荣誉博士学位。

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