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Inefficient Markets读书介绍

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书籍 224页 9.3 2020 OUP Oxford
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GBP 20.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-08 … 39
Andrei Shleifer      ISBN:9780198292272    原作名/别名:《》
Inefficient Markets摘要

The efficient markets hypothesis has been the central proposition in finance for nearly thirty years. It states that securities prices in financial markets must equal fundamental values, either because all investors are rational or because arbitrage eliminates pricing anomalies. This book describes an alternative approach to the study of financial markets: behavioral finance. This approach starts with an observation that the assumptions of investor rationality and perfect arbitrage are overwhelmingly contradicted by both psychological and institutional evidence. In actual financial markets, less than fully rational investors trade against arbitrageurs whose resources are limited by risk aversion, short horizons, and agency problems. The book presents and empirically evaluates models of such inefficient markets. Behavioral finance models both explain the available financial data better than does the efficient markets hypothesis and generate new empirical predictions. These models can account for such anomalies as the superior performance of value stocks, the closed end fund puzzle, the high returns on stocks included in market indices, the persistence of stock price bubbles, and even the collapse of several well-known hedge funds in 1998. By summarizing and expanding the research in behavioral finance, the book builds a new theoretical and empirical foundation for the economic analysis of real-world markets.


安德瑞·史莱佛(Andrei Shleifer),哈佛大学经济系教授,1999年美国经济学会克拉克奖获得者, 是美国经济金融学界年轻一代经济学家中非常出争的代表人物之一。1982年在哈佛大学获得数学学士学位,1986年在MIT获得经济博士学位。先后在普林斯顿大学、芝加哥大学担任过助理教授和教授。1991年回到哈佛大学经济系。非有效市场理论是他获得克拉克奖的主要贡献之一。史莱佛教授不仅在哈佛讲授行为金融学,而且讲授政治经济学、经济学的心理学分析,他的研究涉及公司财务、行为金融、金融监管、转型经济学、法律和经济学以及制度理论等方方面面。

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