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The Fruits of War读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 384页 2020 Pocket Books
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
2020-02-20 … 2021-10-30 … 70
White, Michael      ISBN:9781416502074    原作名/别名:《》
The Fruits of War摘要

Since man first wielded a stick in anger, war and conflict have been prime movers in the progress of science and technology. In our earliest days the impetus may have been as simple as protecting territory or a food supply; more recently science has benefited from massive injections of cash when national security is at stake. But as Michael White demonstrates in this superbly wide-ranging and brilliant history of innovation, almost all major technological developments can be traced back to times of war. From the arrow to nuclear power; from cuneiform to the credit card; from the chariot to the bullet train and from the tribal drum to the Internet, our creativity owes much to the destructiveness of our nature. Accessible, thought-provoking and chock-full of fascinating facts, THE FRUITS OF WAR is a superb history of science and innovation that shows how the best of humanity often flows from its worst.


迈克尔·怀特(Michael White)是一颗耀眼的新星,一位世界级畅销书作家。1991年前,他在英国剑桥大学主讲科技发展,尔后成为专业作家。至今他已出版25部作品,包括著名科学家的传记、科学技术史、科技侦探小说等,许多作品已被译成数十种文字,主要有《霍金传》、《达·芬奇传》、《达尔文传》、《托尔金传》、《牛顿传》、《阿西莫夫传》、《子夜奇案》等。

导言 科技是双刃剑

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