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McQuail's Mass Communication Theory读书介绍

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书籍 632页 8.9 2020 SAGE Publications Ltd
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USD 82.00 2020-02-20 … 2021-10-04 … 38
Denis McQuail      ISBN:9781849202923    原作名/别名:《》
McQuail's Mass Communication Theory摘要

"McQuail's Mass Communication Theory" has been the benchmark for studying mass communication theory for more than 25 years. It remains the most authoritative and comprehensive introduction to the field and still offers unmatched coverage of the research literature. The Sixth Edition of this bestselling textbook covers everything a student needs to know of mass communication: communication models of the sender, the message and the audience and the diverse forms of mass communication today, including television, radio, newspapers, film, music, the internet and other forms of new media. This book proves that more than ever, theories of mass communication matter for the broader understanding of society and culture. Fully up-to-date, this new edition includes: New boxed case studies on key research publications, familiarizing students with the critical research texts in the field; a new streamlined structure for better navigation; more definitions, examples, and illustrations throughout to bring abstract concepts to life; and major updates on new media, globalization, work and economy. "McQuail's Mass Communication Theory" is the indispensable resource no student of media studies can afford to be without.


丹尼斯·麦奎尔(Denis McQuail)是世界著名的传播学者,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学传播学终身教授,“欧洲传媒研究小组”成员,《欧洲传播学杂志》三位创始人之一。主要著作有:《迈向大众传播社会学》(Towards a Sociology of Mass Communications,1971)、《传播》(Communications,1975)、《大众传播模式论》(Communications Models for the Study of Mass Communications,1982)、《大众传播理论》(Mass Communications Theory,1983)、《媒介行为》(Media Performance,1992)、《受众分析》(Audience Analysis,1997)、《媒介政策》(Media Policy,1998)、《麦...

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