The Peep Diaries 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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The Peep Diaries读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 256页 2020 City Lights Publishers
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
17.95 USD 2020-02-20 … 2021-03-03 … 95
Hal Niedzviecki      ISBN:9780872864993    原作名/别名:《》
The Peep Diaries摘要

Ubiquitous video technology and the Internet have ushered in a œpeep culture that makes us all either—or simultaneously—exhibitionists or voyeurs, according to this eye-opening study. In good participant-observer fashion, Niedzviecki (Hello, I'm Special) dives into our mania for observing and revealing pseudo-secret personal information: he starts a blog, applies to reality television shows, does video surveillance around his house and slips a GPS tracking device into his wife's car. He's content to merely interview, rather than join, the middle-aged couples who post their amateur porn online. He argues instead that peep culture reprises an ancient impulse to bond through the sharing of intimacies, but worries that our digital version of village gossip and primate grooming is a weak and fraudulent foundation for community (out of his 700-odd Facebook friends and blog readers, only one showed up for his offline party). Niedzviecki's smart mixture of reportage and reflection avoids alarmism and hype while capturing the strange power of our urge to see and be seen. (June)

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霍尔•涅兹维奇 《断铅笔》(Broken Pencil)杂志创办人,曾出版多本小书及社会评论著作,包括《哈啰,我很特别:个人性如何成为新的服从性》(I’m Special:How Individuality Became the New Conformity),以及《我们也想分杯羹:大众文化的底层渴望与再创》(We Want Some Too: Underground Desire and the Reinvention of Mass Culture)等。现在居住在加拿大多伦多。


黄玉华 牛津大学比较语文学暨普通语言学哲学硕士、波士顿大学医学院行为神经科学暨生物医学神经科学双主修博士,具有多年媒体公关、整合营销及国际合作经验。

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