think 折中主义 书籍
经典好书《think 折中主义》读书内容简介:p>折中主义风格是目前在室内设计领域占主导地位的一种风格。混合不同的风格、不同时期的装饰物,让家成为一个统一和谐的整体。混搭风是对设计的解放,它让人发挥出更多的想象力。它没有任何规则,但却可以突出居室主人强烈的个性。比利时著名艺术史学家、建筑杂志记者...详情
think 乡村 书籍
经典好书《think 乡村》读书内容简介:>乡村风的一大特点便是极具现代质感和充满自然景观的温暖的内饰,这最能体现居室设计的奢华。比利时著名艺术史学家、建筑杂志记者皮埃特•斯温伯格用专业、精准的目光挑选了21个充满乡村特色、原汁原味的房子遍,娓娓道来设计亮以及设计师对设计细节的把控。这些位于...详情
影片剧情摘要:素媛、蓝波、庞贝童、曹菡、子力 等主演的惊悚恐怖片。细思极恐剧情根据著名的香港高街死亡地下车库灵异事件改编。 一幢老旧的大厦的地下车库经常出现各种恐怖事件,车库内已拔出钥匙熄火的车却突然失控撞死车主,原来停在此车位上的车连带其内的一对...详情
经典好书《How "Natives" Think》读书内容简介:write about non-Western societies, do they inevitably perpetuate the myths of European imperialism? Can they ever articulate ...详情
经典好书《How "Natives" Think》读书内容简介:write about non-Western societies, do they inevitably perpetuate the myths of European imperialism? Can they ever articulate ...详情
经典好书《How to Think Straight About Psychology》读书内容简介:ecome better consumers of psychological research. Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed book presents a short in...详情
经典好书《Don't Think of an Elephant!》读书内容简介:语言学之父,与语言学泰斗乔姆斯基齐名。*加州大学伯克利分校教授,圣塔菲研究所科学委员会委员,国际认知语言学协会主席,认知科学学会理事会成员。*著述颇丰,其中《我们赖以生存的隐喻》被译成几十种文字,在各国语言学界广为传述;《...详情
经典好书《Don't Make Me Think》读书内容简介:an 100,000 copies after it was first published, it's hard to imagine anyone working in Web design who hasn't read Steve Krug'...详情
经典好书《How We Think They Think》读书内容简介: anthropology's most original theorists consider such fundamental questions as: Is cognition language-based? How reliable a g...详情
经典好书《Don't Make Me Think》读书内容简介:web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies s...详情