经典好书《Aspern Papers》读书内容简介:3—1916),作家、文艺评论家,心理分析小说的开创者,近代英美文坛巨匠。主要作品有长篇小说《美国人》、《一位女士的画像》、《卡萨玛西穆公爵》、《鸽翼》、《使节》、《金碗》,中篇小说《黛西•米勒》、《阿斯彭文稿》、《螺丝在拧紧》、《丛林猛兽》,文学评...详情
经典好书《Collected Papers》读书内容简介:ustice has perhaps drawn more commentary and aroused wider attention than any other work in moral or political philosophy in ...详情
经典好书《The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft》读书内容简介:kweeds; that is to say, I am learning to distinguish and to name as many as I can. For scientific classification I have littl...详情
经典好书《The Private Papers Of Henry Ryecroft》读书内容简介:kweeds; that is to say, I am learning to distinguish and to name as many as I can. For scientific classification I have littl...详情
经典好书《A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition》读书内容简介:授,她结合数十年来对学生的论文写作的指导工作和论文格式规范的研究经验,写出《芝加哥大学论文写作指南》一书,并于1937年出版,目前,该书已成为全美乃至全球学生、教师及研究者必备的论文写作参考书,也成为编辑、出版人出版格式和体例的参考书。多年来经过数次...详情
经典好书《A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Eighth Edition》读书内容简介:enty-five years ago, Kate L. Turabian drafted a set of guidelines to help students understand how to write, cite, and formall...详情
经典好书《Letters and Papers from Prison》读书内容简介:effers prior theological achievements and writings, it was his correspondence and notes from prison that electrified the post...详情
经典好书《Marxism, Revolution and Utopia: Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Volume 6》读书内容简介:les some of Herbert Marcuse's most important work and presents for the first time his responses to and development of classic...详情