经典好书《Selected Letters of Joyce》读书内容简介: 詹姆斯•乔伊斯(James Augustine Aloysius Joyce,1882—1941),爱尔兰小说家、诗人,被认为是对二十世纪现代主义文学影响最为深远的巨匠和宗师,甚至被誉为继莎士比亚后英语文学史上最伟大的作家。作者简介详情
经典好书《Essays, Speeches & Public Letters (Modern Library Classics)》读书内容简介:n of William Faulkner’s mature nonfiction work, updated, with an abundance of new material. This unique volum...详情
经典好书《Letters to Young Filmmakers》读书内容简介:CLA(洛杉矶加大)资深电影教授,执教四十余年,曾荣获杰出教师奖,学生遍及整个美国电影业界。他曾担任UCLA电影学院副院长,组织创办了UCLA电影资料馆并担任馆长,发起电影评论研究计划,同时还是UCLA影视制片人项目创始人。此外,霍华德在业内受聘担任...详情
经典好书《Letters to a Young Scientist》读书内容简介:ia Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet, Edward O. Wilson has distilled sixty years of teaching into a book for students, young an...详情
经典好书《Letters from London》读书内容简介:iosyncratic intelligence, and a bold grasp of intricate political realities, the celebrated author of Flaubert's Parrot turns...详情
经典好书《Letters to a Young Novelist》读书内容简介:denses a lifetime of writing, reading, and thought into an essential manual for aspiring writers. Drawing on the stories and ...详情
经典好书《Letters to a Young Scientist》读书内容简介: biologist Edward O. Wilson imparts the wisdom of his storied career to the next generation.Inspired by Rainer Maria R...详情
经典好书《Persian Letters》读书内容简介:novel-in-letters tells the story of two Persian noblemen who have left their country - the modern Iran - to journey to Europe...详情
经典好书《The Scarlet Letters》读书内容简介:小说史上一个非凡的名字,实指弗雷德里克•丹奈(FredericDannay,1905—1982)和曼弗里德•李(ManfredLee,1905—1971)这对表兄弟作家。他们的创作时间长达半个世纪,作品多达数十部,全球销量约计两亿册;他们曾五获埃德加...详情
经典好书《Letters to Vera》读书内容简介:bokov,1899—1977),出生于圣彼得堡一个贵族家庭,是二十世纪最杰出的小说家之一。布尔什维克革命期间,纳博科夫全家离开俄国,流亡欧洲。1922年,在完成了剑桥大学三一学院的学业后,纳博科夫到柏林与家人团聚。在欧洲生活期间,纳博科夫出版了小说...详情