经典好书《Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions》读书内容简介:mester courses in Financial Institutions and Markets. A comprehensive exploration of the world's financial markets and instit...详情
经典好书《Théories et institutions pénales. Cours au Collège de France》读书内容简介:cte de justice, ce n'est pas le recours à un tribunal et à des juges ; ce n'est pas l'intervention des magistrats (même s'ils...详情
经典好书《Institutions and Social Conflict》读书内容简介:盛顿大学政治学系教授。他以其独特的跨学科研究方法,涉及哲学、经济学、政治学和法律等学科领域,发表了许多有关民主理论、法治、司法决策以及制度形成与变迁理论的论文,学术成果具有开创性。主要著作包括《制度与社会冲突》、《解释社会制度》(与伊塔·塞尼德合著)...详情
经典好书《Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy》读书内容简介:that current disparities in economic, political, and social outcomes reflect distinct institutions. Institutions are invoked ...详情
经典好书《Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy》读书内容简介:that current disparities in economic, political, and social outcomes reflect distinct institutions. Institutions are invoked ...详情
经典好书《制度、制度變遷與經濟成就(Institutions, Institutionl Change and Economic Performance》读书内容简介:有別於傳統的新古典經濟理論,諾貝爾獎經濟學得主諾斯以交易成本為基礎,提出新的個人行為假設,以及個人與組織的互動關係。其重要的論點指出制度變遷的過程並不必然造成有效率的結果。本書的內容不只是當今「新制度學派」的重要依據,也強調結合經濟、政治與社會理論的...详情
经典好书《Lectures on the Early History of Institutions》读书内容简介:1822-1888)是19世纪英国著名的法学家、英国现代历史法学和比较法学的奠基人。其一生经历丰富,兼涉法律实务、法学研究与时评,著述颇丰。其法学著作多以讲义形式面世,传世名著《古代法》便是由他在伦敦四大律师会馆的讲稿修订而成,甫一问世即成经典,在西...详情
经典好书《Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China》读书内容简介:uccess in economic performance. Economic performance always takes place in a spatial context. And institutions matter in econ...详情
经典好书《Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions》读书内容简介:ation of the world's financial markets and institutions. Introduction; Financial Institutions, Financial Intermediarie...详情
经典好书《Institutions, Contracts and Organizations》读书内容简介: now available in paperback, presents new original contributions from some of the world's leading economists including Ronald...详情