经典好书《The Poet Zheng Zhen (1806-1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity》读书内容简介: (1806-1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity, J. D. Schmidt provides the first detailed study in a Western language of one ...详情
经典好书《High-Dimensional Probability》读书内容简介:bility offers insight into the behavior of random vectors, random matrices, random subspaces, and objects used to quantify un...详情
经典好书《High Performance JavaScript》读书内容简介:velopers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all ...详情
经典好书《The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning》读书内容简介:上最杰出的管理思想家之一。加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill)管理学院教授,战略管理学会主席,在欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦商学院、埃克斯一马赛大学、卡内基.梅隆大学和蒙特利尔高等商学院等学校担任访问学者。他曾两次获得《哈佛商业评论》所颁发的年度最佳文章“麦肯...详情
经典好书《The Rise of Chinese Military Power, 1895-1912》读书内容简介:e breakdown of the monarchic system and the success of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 was due largely to the growth of semi-p...详情
经典好书《High Performance MySQL》读书内容简介: teaches you advanced techniques in depth so you can bring out MySQL's full power. Learn how to design schemas, indexes, quer...详情
经典好书《The Rise and Fall of Nations》读书内容简介:务主管◆ 美国《新闻周刊》《华尔街日报》《金融时报》专栏作家◆“ 全球50大最具影响力人物”——《彭博》◆“全球最智慧25名印度人”——《展望》◆ “全球百名顶尖思想家”——《外交政策》...详情
经典好书《High Performance Spark》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications》读书内容简介:truggle to scale critical applications. As traffic volume and data demands increase, these applications become more complicat...详情
经典好书《The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici》读书内容简介:he House of Medici is the achievement of a polished historian who is blessed with an unusual gift for pleasing narrative. Div...详情