On the Run 书籍
经典好书《On the Run》读书内容简介:著名社会学家欧文•戈夫曼的女儿,毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学社会学专业,目前是威斯康星大学社会学系助理教授及波莫纳学院的客座助理教授。译者简介:赵旭东,著名社会学家、人类学家,中国人民大学人类学研究所所长,社会与人口学院教授,博士...详情
On the Run 书籍
经典好书《On the Run》读书内容简介:r on Drugs has done almost nothing to prevent drugs from being sold or used, but it has nonetheless created a little-known su...详情
经典好书《Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road》读书内容简介: Johan Elverskog is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Southern Methodist University.作者简介详情
经典好书《On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, 1893 -1917》读书内容简介:nslation of "Husserlians X", the volume in the critical edition of Husserl's work that includes his writings on time and the ...详情
经典好书《What Works on Wall Street, Fourth Edition》读书内容简介:ng-term strategies that "always" outperform the market "O'Shaughnessy's conclusion that some strategies do produce consistent...详情
经典好书《What Works on Wall Street》读书内容简介:-term strategies that have always beaten the markets, and how to make them work for you. "What Works on Wall Street, Third Ed...详情
经典好书《On Literature》读书内容简介:essays and addresses delivered over the course of his illustrious career, Umberto Eco seeks "to understand the chemistry of [...详情
经典好书《One Up On Wall Street》读书内容简介:p>THE NATIONAL BESTSELLING BOOK THAT EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD OWNPeter Lynch is America's number-one money manager. His m...详情
经典好书《Essays on the Gita》读书内容简介:“三圣”(圣雄甘地、圣诗泰戈尔、圣哲阿罗频多)之一,居印度近代以来最著名的精神哲学家之列。民族主义者,自由斗士,诗人,哲学家,瑜伽修行者。 7岁就去英国求学,毕业于剑桥大学。21岁时回国,开始研究本土文化,渐渐参加独立运动。到34岁已为名教授而被...详情
经典好书《Writings on Psychoanalysis》读书内容简介:the French structuralist movement, Louis Althusser was influential for reinvigorating Marxist thought in France in the 196Os ...详情