Galois理论 书籍
经典好书《Galois理论》读书内容简介:.Artin)在德国Notre Dume大学的讲稿,《Galois理论》用极其简练的语言介绍了近世代数中的伽罗华(Galois)理论。《Galois理论》对伽罗华理论的论述有自己独到之处,如伽罗华理论基本定理的证明较之其他著作有较大简化...详情
经典好书《Field and Galois Theory》读书内容简介:ok is twofold. First, it is written to be a textbook for a graduate level course on Galois theory or field theory. Second, it...详情
经典好书《Galois Theory》读书内容简介:ents of one of the most penetrating concepts in modern mathematics include discussions of fields, vector spaces, homogeneous ...详情
经典好书《Introduction to the Galois Correspondence》读书内容简介:osition of Galois correspondence at an introductory level, this second edition of the text is considerably expanded.作者...详情