经典好书《Good Economics for Hard Times》读书内容简介:erjee),2019年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,美国麻省理工学院福特基金会国际经济学教授。曾就读于印度加尔各答大学、贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学及美国哈佛大学;曾任发展经济学分析研究局局长、美国艺术科学研究院及计量经济学会研究员、古根海姆基金会及艾尔弗雷德·斯...详情
电视剧【GOOD GIRL:谁洗劫了电视台(1-10全集)】剧情介绍: 详情
经典好书《The Only Good Indians》读书内容简介:en from the Blackfeet Nation, who were childhood friends, find themselves in a desperate struggle for their lives, against an...详情
韩剧Good Wife 电视剧
电视剧【韩剧Good Wife】剧情介绍:全度妍,刘智泰,尹启相,李源根等主演。韩剧Good Wife剧情讲述了检察官丈夫因政治绯闻与贪污腐败被拘留,婚后便辞职不再工作的妻子从此担负起生活的重担,女主角时隔13年再次以律师的身份回归职场并找到真正的自己。 韩版《Good Wi...详情
经典好书《So Good They Can't Ignore You》读书内容简介:count, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice. Not only is the cliché fla...详情
经典好书《Good Strategy Bad Strategy》读书内容简介:here is really only one question you are asking in each case. The question is: ‘what is really going on here?’”The rem...详情
经典好书《The Good Soldier Svejk》读书内容简介: Good Soldier Svejk , celebrated Czech writer and anarchist Jaroslav Hasek combined dazzling wordplay and piercing satire in ...详情
经典好书《Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or a Good Hard Look at Wall Street》读书内容简介:icked it up I did not put it down until I finished. . . . What Schwed has done is capture fully-in deceptively clean language...详情
经典好书《The Art of Doing Good》读书内容简介:on for saving lives swept through late Ming society, giving rise to charitable institutions that transcended family, class, a...详情