经典好书《Notes from a Small Island》读书内容简介:作者對於居住在不列顛島上長達二?年的生活點滴。以其風趣幽默的筆調,讓讀者瞭解當地的風俗民情以及其經歷的各種奇特有趣的生活。文中對於人、事、物荒謬面的細膩觀察與生動的刻畫,引得書迷捧腹大笑不已。作者简介比尔・布赖森:一九五一...详情
经典好书《From the Classicists to the Impressionists: A Documentary History of Art and Architecture in the Nineteenth Century》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Letter from M. Rousseau, of Geneva, to M. D'Alembert, of Paris, Concerning the Effects of Theatrical Entertainments on the Manners of Mankind. Tra》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《China Learns from the Soviet Union, 1949-Present》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Pathways from the Periphery》读书内容简介:phery is an innovative interpretation of the development of the newly industrializing countries (NICs) which now dominate Thi...详情
经典好书《Dominion from Sea to Sea》读书内容简介:orld power to inhabit an immense land mass open at both ends to the world's two largest oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific...详情
经典好书《Capitalism from Below》读书内容简介:Chinese have escaped poverty since the 1980s, reducing the fraction remaining from 82 to 10 percent of the population. This a...详情
经典好书《The History of Government from the Earliest Times》读书内容简介:学家。毕业于牛津大学,曾执教于贝利奥尔学院,后任基尔大学政治学教授,1966年开始任曼彻斯特大学政治学系主任,1974年回到牛津大学并任格拉斯顿讲座教授。芬纳还曾任英国政治学会主席和国际政治科学协会副主席(1965-1969)。芬纳一生博学多产、著作...详情
经典好书《From Victory to Stalemate》读书内容简介: ChoiceBy the summer of 1944, the war in Europe had reached a critical point. Both the western Allies and the Soviets ...详情
经典好书《From Rural China to the Ivy League》读书内容简介:生。燕京大學肄業,香港新亞學院第一屆畢業,美國哈佛大學歷史學博士,曾師從國學大師錢穆和當代漢學泰斗楊聯陞。1974年當選中央研究院院士。歷任哈佛大學教授、香港新亞學院校長兼中文大學副校長、耶魯大學歷史講座教授。2001年6月自普林斯頓大學校聘講座教授...详情