经典好书《Naked and the Dead》读书内容简介: modern classic. This book catapulted Norman Mailer to fame on its first publication in 1948. ''The best war novel to come ou...详情
经典好书《The Myths of Happiness》读书内容简介:尔斯基Sonja Lyubomirsky 美国加州大学河滨分校心理学教授。她先后就读于两大世界顶级名校哈佛大学和斯坦福大学,师从著名社会心理学家、冲突和谈判领域顶级专家李•罗斯。 积极心理学领域最具值得关...详情
经典好书《The Complete Cosmicomics》读书内容简介:gan to expand, when all of everything existed in a single point in space, Qfwfq was there. And afterwards - through the mille...详情
经典好书《The Five Love Languages》读书内容简介:e speaking the same language? While love may be a many- splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too. And as...详情
经典好书《The Story of the Stone, Volume I》读书内容简介:家。名霑,字梦阮,号雪芹、芹圃、芹溪。为满洲正白旗“包衣”人。自曾祖起,三代任江宁织造,其祖曹寅尤为康熙帝所信用。雍正初年,在统计阶级内部政治斗争牵连下,雪芹家受到重大打击,其父免职,产业被抄,遂随家迁居北京。他早年经历了一段封建大官僚地主家庭的繁华...详情
经典好书《The Millionaire Messenger》读书内容简介:FOR OTHERS.In this game-changing book by Brendon Burchard, founder of Experts Academy, you’ll discover: Your life story and e...详情
经典好书《The Brain That Changes Itself》读书内容简介:ence called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. Psychiatrist and psy...详情
经典好书《In the Line of Fire》读书内容简介:e a career of coaching nearly 500 execs on their IPO roadshows, the most critical presentations of their lives. Now, he's wri...详情
经典好书《Voices from the Iron House》读书内容简介:系毕业,美国哈佛大学博士。曾任教于普林斯顿大学、印第安那大学、芝加哥大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校及哈佛大学。2004年8月自哈佛大学退休,在香港中文大学任人文学科讲座教授。著作包括《中国现代作家浪漫的一代》、《上海摩登》、《西潮的彼岸》、《浪漫之余》、《...详情
经典好书《The Information》读书内容简介:or of the bestsellers Chaos and Genius , brings us his crowning work: a revelatory chronicle that shows how information ha...详情