经典好书《The Silence of the Girls》读书内容简介:LER • The first definitive history of the Mossad, Shin Bet, and the IDF’s targeted killing programs, hailed by The New York T...详情
经典好书《The Elegance of the Hedgehog》读书内容简介:ational bestseller. We are in the center of Paris, in an elegant apartment building inhabited by bourgeois families. RenA(c)...详情
经典好书《The Spirit of the Chinese People. With an Essay on Civilization and Anarchy》读书内容简介: 辜鸿铭(1857-1928),近代学者、翻译家,福建同安人,字汤生,自号汉滨读易者。他生在南洋,学在西洋,婚在东洋,仕在北洋。精通英、法、德、拉丁、希腊、马来亚等9种语言,获13个博士学位,学贯东西,第一个将中国的《论语》、《中庸》用英文和德文翻译到西方。作者简介详情
经典好书《The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism》读书内容简介:tern society, cross-ethnic cultural transactions are an inevitable daily routine. Yet, according to acclaimed cultural critic...详情
经典好书《The Ideals of the East》读书内容简介:日本明治时期著名的美术家、美术评论家、美术教育家、思想家,日本近代文明启蒙期的重要人物之一。先后任职于日本美术学校和波士顿美术馆东方美术部门,提倡"东方精神观念深入西方",强调亚洲价值观对世界进步作出贡献,深刻影响了20世纪之初西方人对日本的印象。<...详情
经典好书《The Political Tradition of the West》读书内容简介:atkins):曾任耶鲁大学政治学教授,著作有《作为一种政治学概念的国家》、《意识形态的时代——从1750年到现在的政治思想》以及《德国共和体制下宪法紧急权力的挫败》等;《西方政治传统:近代自由主义之发展》是他的代表作。作者简介...详情
经典好书《A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages》读书内容简介:):英国战史学家,生于印度穆扎法尔布尔县,曾就读于温彻斯特大学和牛津大学,1905年被推举为皇家历史协会主席。第一次世界大战期间,欧曼被分配至出版局和外交部工作,战争结束后出任下议院议员,并于1920年被授予爵士勋位。作为一位战史学家,欧曼爵士从编年...详情
经典好书《The Sound of the Whistle》读书内容简介: of the development of the Japanese railroad industry during the Meiji period, Steven Ericson explores the economic role of g...详情
经典好书《The Origins of the Boxer War》读书内容简介: to provide a panoramic view of the origins of the Boxer War. Comprehensively examining this historical conundrum of the 20th...详情
经典好书《The Last of the Whampoa Breed》读书内容简介:my was China's first modern military institution. For decades the "Spirit of Whampoa" was invoked as the highest praise to al...详情