战士公主西娜第五季 电视剧
电视剧【战士公主西娜第五季】剧情介绍:ouls reach Heaven, but they have to face their old enemy, Callisto, who is now a demon and kidnaps Gabrielle and carries her ...详情
战士公主西娜第四季 电视剧
电视剧【战士公主西娜第四季】剧情介绍:Gabrielle is safe in a good afterlife, seeks her in the Amazon Land of the Dead. In flashback, Xena learns to walk in the Lan...详情
战士公主西娜第三季 电视剧
电视剧【战士公主西娜第三季】剧情介绍:nstigation, condemn Xena to persecution and madness for failure to avenge the murder of her father. As Xena descends into mad...详情
战士公主西娜第二季 电视剧
电视剧【战士公主西娜第二季】剧情介绍:vel to the centaur lands to help them against Dagnine, a man who once fought at Xena's side when she was evil. Dagnine wants ...详情
阿有正传 电视剧
电视剧【阿有正传】剧情介绍:缎庄,风流玩乐,不善生意,赌掉万贯家产,竟将妻子倩雯(胡可)典当给宿敌柳原。大有浪荡江湖,认识了杂技女子容希儿(李彩桦),情 色之间萌生斗志。陈大有再续商战奇迹,但却因盗墓被都督纳兰正(谭耀文)通缉。峰回路转,陈大有竟是大清格格(刘晓庆)的亲儿,与纳...详情
姐姐妹妹闯北京 电视剧
电视剧【姐姐妹妹闯北京】剧情介绍:个角落。许许多多年轻人背负着梦想只身闯荡心仪已久的大都会,渴望靠一双手改变自己和家人的命运。在这一过程中苦乐交织,他们碰的满头是血,汗流浃背,却仍咬紧牙关在生活的道路上奋然前行。高考失败的南方姑娘白小雪(赵薇 饰)背起行囊来北京投靠老乡,在此期间邂逅...详情