歪星撞地球第四季 电视剧
电视剧【歪星撞地球第四季】剧情介绍:come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them...详情
歪星撞地球第三季 电视剧
电视剧【歪星撞地球第三季】剧情介绍:come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them...详情
歪星撞地球第二季 电视剧
电视剧【歪星撞地球第二季】剧情介绍:come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them...详情
神秘博士:赛博人的复仇 电视剧
电视剧【神秘博士:赛博人的复仇】剧情介绍: 详情
神秘博士:土豆人的实验 电视剧
电视剧【神秘博士:土豆人的实验】剧情介绍:Harry arrive on a desolate and apparently deserted Earth to discover that a group of shipwrecked astronauts from a human colo...详情
我欲为人第四季 电视剧
电视剧【我欲为人第四季】剧情介绍:n a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the atten...详情
男人间第一季 电视剧
电视剧【男人间第一季】剧情介绍:xy, new dramedy about All- American guys who feel caught between two worlds, not truly knowing where they fit in. ...详情
警界新人 电视剧
电视剧【警界新人】剧情介绍: 2-2 / Rookies),故事描述六个毕业不久刚刚加盟纽约市警察局的菜鸟警察的故事。他们在事故多发的街道和灯红酒绿的曼哈顿巡逻,认识到警察工作远比他们想象的要复杂、紧张、危险。 ...详情
泛美航空 电视剧
电视剧【泛美航空】剧情介绍:,无论是空姐还是飞行员,穿上了那一身蓝色的制服,就如同拥有了特殊的光环一样,闪闪发亮。迪恩(乔哈·罗坦 Jonah Lotan 饰)是一位英俊帅气风流倜傥的机长,在事业上拥有着勃勃的野心,希望能够出人头地。虽然公司明令禁止职员之间禁止谈恋爱,但迪恩依...详情