经典好书《A Drop of the Hard Stuff》读书内容简介:ally on the straight and narrow when he runs into "High-Low" Jack Ellery, a childhood friend from the Bronx. In Scudder, Jack...详情
经典好书《A Vietcong Memoir》读书内容简介:in Paris, Truong Nhu Tang met Ho Chi Minh. Later he fought in the Vietnamese jungle and emerged as one of the major figures i...详情
阿南西之子 书籍
经典好书《上海市档案馆藏中国近现代名人墨迹》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《中国历史地名大辞典 增订本》读书内容简介:时隔6年做增订版。此次修订有如下调整:1.在原书的基础上,修订了原书中错误,新增条目千余条,如关于考古新发现、重要文物古迹、著名的建筑物等。2.大幅度改动和调整的条目四五千条。随着行政区调整,“今地“也做了相应调整。3.另新增字头笔画索引,更方便读者...详情
经典好书《A Global History》读书内容简介: ReaderEach age writes its own history. Not because the earlier history is wrong, but because each age faces new probl...详情
经典好书《A History of Marxian Economics, Volume I: 1883-1929》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
世界美术名作二十讲 书籍
经典好书《世界美术名作二十讲》读书内容简介:术史课教席。这是他在讲稿的基础上修、 补充,于一九三四年完成的一部著作。作者时年二十六岁,对西方美术史已有很深的造诣。 书中着重介绍文艺复兴以来近二十位大及其名作,生动洗练讲解艺术风格和人品操守,并融 文学、音乐、哲学、社会、时代于一体,深入浅出,引...详情
经典好书《A Theory of the State》读书内容简介:mergence of the state, and the forces that shape it. State creation is bound to protection needs. A specialized protector-rul...详情