规范理论和现代粒子物理导论(第2卷) 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 431页 2020 世界图书出版公司
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79.00元 2020-02-20 … 2020-12-04 … 32
Elliot Leader      ISBN:9787510005299    原作名/别名:《An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics Vol.2》

《规范理论和现代粒子物理学导论(第2卷)》内容简介:For a book of its genre, our previous book, An introduction to gauge theories and the "new physics" (1982) was a great success. It was not, alas, sold in airport lounges, but it did run to two additional printings (1983, 1985), and to extensively revised editions in Russian (1990), and in Polish (1991). More importantly, it seemed to achieve the princi...


《规范理论和现代粒子物理学导论(第2卷)》内容简介:For a book of its genre, our previous book, An introduction to gauge theories and the "new physics" (1982) was a great success. It was not, alas, sold in airport lounges, but it did run to two additional printings (1983, 1985), and to extensively revised editions in Russian (1990), and in Polish (1991). More importantly, it seemed to achieve the principal goal which we had set ourselves, namely, to present a pedagogical account of modern particle physics with a balance of theory and experiment, which would be intelligible and stimulating for both theoretical and experimental graduate students. We did not try to write a profound book on field theory, nor a treatise on sophisticated experimental techniques. But we did wish to stress the deep, intimate and fruitful interaction between theoretical ideas and experimental results. Indeed, for us, it is just this aspect of physics which makes it seem so much more exciting than say pure mathematics.


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