Chinese Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination, 1905-1948 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Chinese Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination, 1905-1948读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 320页 2020 Routledge
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 39.95 2020-02-20 … 2021-09-14 … 82
Haiping Yan      ISBN:9780415474580    原作名/别名:《》
Chinese Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination, 1905-1948摘要

"Chinese Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination, 1905-1948" provides a compelling study of leading women writers in modern China, charting their literary works and life journeys to examine the politics and poetics of Chinese transcultural feminism that exceed the boundaries of bourgeois feminist selfhood. Unlike recent literary studies that focus on the discursive formation of the modern Chinese nation state and its gendering effects, Haiping Yan explores the radical degrees to which Chinese women writers re-invented their lives alongside their writings in distinctly conditioned and fundamentally revolutionary ways.The book draws on these women's voluminous works and dramatic lives to illuminate the range of Chinese women's literary and artistic achievements and offers vital sources for exploring the history and legacy of twentieth-century Chinese feminist consciousness and its centrality in the Chinese Revolution. It will be of great interest to scholars of gender studies, literary and cultural studies and performance studies.


颜海平,1959年出生于上海,1982年毕业于复旦大学中国语言文学系,1983年赴美国康乃尔大学攻读 “欧洲现代戏剧、比较文化、批评理论”专业,1990年获博士学位。现为美国康乃尔大学艺术与人文终身教授,戏剧电影、比较文学和东亚研究博士生导师、康乃尔大学中国所所长,华东师范大学紫江特聘教授,华东师范大学-康乃尔大学比较人文研究中心主任。主要研究领域为现代中西戏剧文学史论、现代中西女性文学和艺术史论、批判哲学理论、视觉文化批评等。主要著作有《中国女性作家及其历史想象,1905-1948》(英文专著)、《观者的在场:全球化时代中人文研究的新领域》、《海外飞鸿: 给友人的十五封信》和扩充版《回归的路程》、《秦王李世民:十幕大型历史剧》等。

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