老大哥(澳版)第十季剧情介绍 电视剧_剧情内容介绍_剧情呢
剧情呢 国产剧 港剧 泰剧


类别 集数 编剧 地区 年代 首播平台
电视剧 90集 佚名 澳大利亚 2013
导演 首播时间 最近访问 访问指数
佚名 2020-02-20 … 2021-11-29 … 50
Sonia Kruger,Mike Goldman

Big Brother Australia 2013, also known as Big Brother 10, is the tenth season of the Australian reality television series, Big Brother Australia. It began on 28 July 2013, with a pre-recorded launch show airing on 29 July 2013 on the Nine Network.The season ended on 6 November 2013; lasting 101 days. It is the longest Big Brother season to date. The winner of the series was Tim Dormer winning a total of $250,000.It is the second season of the show to air on the network after it picked up the series in 2012, following a four-year absence. Sonia Kruger continued to host the show, with Mike Goldman continuing as narrator.This season ran during the 2013 Australian Federal Election. As Australia has compulsory voting for elections, the housemates had to vote for this election while in the house.


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