A Cultural History of Modern Science in China 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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A Cultural History of Modern Science in China读书介绍

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书籍 336页 2020 Harvard University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 21.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-01 … 68
Benjamin A. Elman      ISBN:9780674030428    原作名/别名:《》
A Cultural History of Modern Science in China摘要

Historians of science and Sinologists have long needed a unified narrative to describe the Chinese development of modern science, medicine, and technology since 1600. They welcomed the appearance in 2005 of Benjamin Elman's masterwork, On Their Own Terms. Now Elman has retold the story of the Jesuit impact on late imperial China, circa 1600-1800, and the Protestant era in early...

Historians of science and Sinologists have long needed a unified narrative to describe the Chinese development of modern science, medicine, and technology since 1600. They welcomed the appearance in 2005 of Benjamin Elman's masterwork, On Their Own Terms. Now Elman has retold the story of the Jesuit impact on late imperial China, circa 1600-1800, and the Protestant era in early modern China from the 1840s to 1900 in a concise and accessible form ideal for the classroom. This coherent account of the emergence of modern science in China places that emergence in historical context for both general students of modern science and specialists of China.


Elman shows that progress in Chinese science continued after 1600, as it absorbed new ideas from the West, and, for him, China's nineteenth-century failure to respond adequately to Western incursions has been exaggerated...[A Cultural History of Modern Science in China] offer[s] a new and important perspective on Sino-European interaction.

--Delia Davin (Times Literary Supplement 20070901)

Elman's study is a tremendous achievement, both in its analytical insight and empirical depth.

--Thomas S. Mullaney (Science 20090430)

In this concise but comprehensive new book, Elman makes his masterful synthesis of the scholarship in the field--including his own--accessible to nonspecialists. A textbook treating modern Chinese science up to 1900, long awaited, has at last emerged.

--Danian Hu (Isis )

In this concise, accessible, but comprehensive book, Benjamin Elman describes the effects on science of the Jesuit mission in imperial China in 1600–1800, and the latter influence of Protestants in the nineteenth century. By doing so, he places the emergence of modern science in China in historical context. (Nature )

本杰明·艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)1946年出生。1968年获美国汉密尔顿学院学士学位,1980年获宾夕法尼亚大学东方学博士学位。1992-1997年任加州大学洛杉矶分校历史系学术副主席,1992-1999年任该校《中国科学》杂志编审,1997-1999年任该校中国研究中心主任。1999-2001年,艾尔曼作为梅隆访问教授在普林斯顿高等研究院从事传统中国文明研究。2002年,正式出任普林斯顿大学东亚系和历史系教授。他的教学和研究领域包括:中国思想与文化史,1000-1900年:中华帝国晚期科技史,1600-1930年;中日文化学术交流史,1600-1850年。艾尔曼教授著述颇丰,著作主要有:《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期的思想与社会变化面面观》(1984年第1版,2001年第2版)、《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》(...

本杰明·艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)1946年出生。1968年获美国汉密尔顿学院学士学位,1980年获宾夕法尼亚大学东方学博士学位。1992-1997年任加州大学洛杉矶分校历史系学术副主席,1992-1999年任该校《中国科学》杂志编审,1997-1999年任该校中国研究中心主任。1999-2001年,艾尔曼作为梅隆访问教授在普林斯顿高等研究院从事传统中国文明研究。2002年,正式出任普林斯顿大学东亚系和历史系教授。他的教学和研究领域包括:中国思想与文化史,1000-1900年:中华帝国晚期科技史,1600-1930年;中日文化学术交流史,1600-1850年。艾尔曼教授著述颇丰,著作主要有:《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期的思想与社会变化面面观》(1984年第1版,2001年第2版)、《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》(1990)、《晚期中华帝国科举文化史》(2000)、《以他们自己的方式:科学在中国,1550-1900》(2005)等。


Historians of science and Sinologists have long needed a unified narrative to describe the Chinese development of modern science, medicine, and technology since 1600. They welcomed the appearance in 2005 of Benjamin Elman's masterwork, On Their Own Terms. Now Elman has retold the story of the Jesuit impact on late imperial China, circa 1600-1800, and the Protestant era in early...

Historians of science and Sinologists have long needed a unified narrative to describe the Chinese development of modern science, medicine, and technology since 1600. They welcomed the appearance in 2005 of Benjamin Elman's masterwork, On Their Own Terms. Now Elman has retold the story of the Jesuit impact on late imperial China, circa 1600-1800, and the Protestant era in early modern China from the 1840s to 1900 in a concise and accessible form ideal for the classroom. This coherent account of the emergence of modern science in China places that emergence in historical context for both general students of modern science and specialists of China.


Elman shows that progress in Chinese science continued after 1600, as it absorbed new ideas from the West, and, for him, China's nineteenth-century failure to respond adequately to Western incursions has been exaggerated...[A Cultural History of Modern Science in China] offer[s] a new and important perspective on Sino-European interaction.

--Delia Davin (Times Literary Supplement 20070901)

Elman's study is a tremendous achievement, both in its analytical insight and empirical depth.

--Thomas S. Mullaney (Science 20090430)

In this concise but comprehensive new book, Elman makes his masterful synthesis of the scholarship in the field--including his own--accessible to nonspecialists. A textbook treating modern Chinese science up to 1900, long awaited, has at last emerged.

--Danian Hu (Isis )

In this concise, accessible, but comprehensive book, Benjamin Elman describes the effects on science of the Jesuit mission in imperial China in 1600–1800, and the latter influence of Protestants in the nineteenth century. By doing so, he places the emergence of modern science in China in historical context. (Nature )

本杰明·艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)1946年出生。1968年获美国汉密尔顿学院学士学位,1980年获宾夕法尼亚大学东方学博士学位。1992-1997年任加州大学洛杉矶分校历史系学术副主席,1992-1999年任该校《中国科学》杂志编审,1997-1999年任该校中国研究中心主任。1999-2001年,艾尔曼作为梅隆访问教授在普林斯顿高等研究院从事传统中国文明研究。2002年,正式出任普林斯顿大学东亚系和历史系教授。他的教学和研究领域包括:中国思想与文化史,1000-1900年:中华帝国晚期科技史,1600-1930年;中日文化学术交流史,1600-1850年。艾尔曼教授著述颇丰,著作主要有:《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期的思想与社会变化面面观》(1984年第1版,2001年第2版)、《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》(...

本杰明·艾尔曼(Benjamin A. Elman)1946年出生。1968年获美国汉密尔顿学院学士学位,1980年获宾夕法尼亚大学东方学博士学位。1992-1997年任加州大学洛杉矶分校历史系学术副主席,1992-1999年任该校《中国科学》杂志编审,1997-1999年任该校中国研究中心主任。1999-2001年,艾尔曼作为梅隆访问教授在普林斯顿高等研究院从事传统中国文明研究。2002年,正式出任普林斯顿大学东亚系和历史系教授。他的教学和研究领域包括:中国思想与文化史,1000-1900年:中华帝国晚期科技史,1600-1930年;中日文化学术交流史,1600-1850年。艾尔曼教授著述颇丰,著作主要有:《从理学到朴学:中华帝国晚期的思想与社会变化面面观》(1984年第1版,2001年第2版)、《经学、政治和宗族:中华帝国晚期常州今文学派研究》(1990)、《晚期中华帝国科举文化史》(2000)、《以他们自己的方式:科学在中国,1550-1900》(2005)等。

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