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The Unnamed读书介绍

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书籍 320页 2010 Reagan Arthur / Back Bay Books
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USD 13.99 2010-09-14 … 2023-03-14 … 62
Joshua Ferris      ISBN:9780316034005    原作名/别名:《》
The Unnamed摘要

Tim Farnsworth walks. He walks out of meetings and out of bed. He walks in sweltering heat and numbing cold. He will walk without stopping until he falls asleep, wherever he is. This curious affliction has baffled medical experts around the globe--and come perilously close to ruining what should be a happy life. Tim has a loving family, a successful law career, and a beautiful suburban home, all of which he maintains spectacularly well until his feet start moving again.

What drives a man to stay in a marriage, in a job? What forces him away? Is love or conscience enough to overcome the darker, stronger urges of the natural world? THE UNNAMED is a deeply felt, luminous novel about modern life, ancient yearnings, and the power of human understanding.


约书亚•弗里斯:美国当代炙手可热的一线作家,曾凭借处女作《曲终人散》(Then We Came to the End)入围普利策文学奖和美国国家图书奖。2010年出版全新大作《当爱远行》,以精准而富有诗意的语言,讲述一个令人心碎的爱情故事,再次蜚声文坛,并被《纽约客》杂志推选为“最值得关注年轻作家”。《当爱远行》在初稿阶段就被好莱坞金牌电影制片人斯科特•鲁丁购下电影版权,在出版后更是屡获殊荣,成为各大畅销排行榜的常客,并陆续被《纽约客》、《经济学家》和亚马逊网站评选为2010年最佳小说。

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