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Addresses to the German Nation读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 240页 2013 Hackett Publishing
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
2013-03-15 … 2023-02-27 … 15
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb      ISBN:9781603849340    原作名/别名:《》
Addresses to the German Nation摘要

In the winter of 1807, while Berlin was occupied by French troops, the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte presented fourteen public lectures that have long been studied as a major statement of modern nationalism. Yet Fichte's Addresses to the German Nation have also been interpreted by many as a vision of a cosmopolitan alternative to nationalism.

This new edition of the Addresses is designed to make Fichte's arguments more accessible to English-speaking readers. The clear, readable, and reliable translation is accompanied by a chronology of the events surrounding Fichte's life, suggestions for further reading, and an index. The groundbreaking introductory essay situates Fichte's theory of the nation state in the history of modern political thought. It provides historians, political theorists, and other students of nationalism with a fresh perspective for considering the interface between cosmopolitanism and republicanism, patriotism and nationalism.


费希特出生于普鲁士萨克森州的拉梅诺。父亲是织带子的手工业者,家境贫寒,9岁时得到邻人的资助开始上学。1774年进波尔塔贵族学校,课外读过该校禁读的G.E.莱辛的著作。1780年入耶拿大学,1781年入莱比锡大学神学系,接触过B.斯宾诺莎的哲学。1788年因经济困难,弃学 赴瑞士的 苏黎世当家庭教师,结识了当地狂飙运动的代表人物J.K.拉法特等。1790年重返莱比锡,计划创办杂志未成,再任家庭教师,并开始研究I.康德哲学。1790年,他结识了德国著名诗人克洛普施托克的侄女约哈那(JohannaRahn)并被她深深吸引,后来两人结为夫妻。同年,他开始研读康德的著作,这对他后来的哲学思想产生了深远的影响。1791年,他前往哥尼斯堡拜见康德。为了让康德了解他,他基于康德哲学写了一篇研究康德批判哲学和神学领域之间联系的宗教长文《试评一切天启》(Attempta...

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