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The Marine Biology Coloring Book, Second Edition读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 248页 2000 Collins Reference
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 21.99 2000-08-01 … 2023-02-12 … 87
Thomas M. Niesen      ISBN:9780062737182    原作名/别名:《》
The Marine Biology Coloring Book, Second Edition摘要

Enter the delicate, complex world of underwater life through extraordinarily detailed, hand-drawn illustrations and newly updated text. The Marine Biology Coloring Book will serve as an excellent resource and guide. The process of coloring will focus your attention and leave a visual imprint on your memory. Details on the natural coloration of the plants and animals illustrated will help you create an accurate picture of the ocean world. The text provides a clear introduction to major marine environments as well as an examination of the lifestyles and interactions of the organisms that inhabit them. This expanded edition offers vital information on ocean currents and global weather, including an explanation of El Nino, the deep-sea realm, and the newest deep-sea diving research vessels. Enjoy the process of creating your own beautiful, full-color reference while you explore a fascinating hidden world. Both the serious student of marine biology and the weekend beachcomber will gain a better understanding of ocean life by coloring The Marine Biology Coloring Book.


◎ 作者简介

著者:[美] 托马斯·M. 尼森(Thomas M. Niesen)

托马斯·M. 尼森(Thomas M. Niesen)于美国的俄勒冈大学获得生物学博士学位,后任旧金山州立大学海洋生物学副教授,拥有40余年授课经验,研究方向为海洋无脊椎动物生态学。著有《太平洋西北地区海洋生物拾荒指南》《加利福尼亚州海洋生物拾荒指南》等书籍。尼森喜爱冲浪、潜水、游泳、摄影和园艺,目前与妻子安妮居住在加利福尼亚州的半月湾。

绘者:温·卡皮特(Wynn Kapit)、卡拉·J. 西蒙斯(Carla J. Simmons)、劳伦·汉森(Lauren Hanson)


Coloring Concepts, Inc. 自1982年起出版了一...

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