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The Liar读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 206页 1989 Oxford University Press, USA
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 53.00 1989-04-06 … 2023-01-14 … 92
Jon Barwise      ISBN:9780195059441    原作名/别名:《》
The Liar摘要

This monograph purports to provide a solution to semantical paradoxes like the Liar. The authors base this solution on J. L. Austin's idea of truth, which is fundamental to situation semantics. They compare two models of language, propositions and truth, one based on Russell and the other on Austin, as they bear on the Liar Paradox. In Russell's view, a sentence expresses a proposition, which is true or not. According to Austin, however, there is always a contextual parameter - the situation the sentence is about - that comes between the sentence and proposition. The Austinian perspective proves to have fruitful applications to the analysis of semantic paradox. The authors show that, on this account, the liar is a genuine diagonal argument. This argument can be shown to have profound consequences for our understanding of some of the most basic semantical mechanisms at work in our language. Jon Barwise is, with John Perry, a co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford.


乔恩·巴威斯 美国著名逻辑学家、计算机科学与人工智能学家,情境语义学与情境理论的创始人。曾先后任教于美国斯坦福大学和印第安纳大学。著作主要有《可容许集合与结构》(1975)、《情境与态度》(1983,1999)、《说谎者悖论:真与循环》(1987,1989)、《逻辑中的情境》(1989)、《超级证明》(1994)、《信息流:分布式系统的逻辑》(1997)和《语言、证明与逻辑》(1999)等,主编《数理逻辑手册》(1975)和《模型论的逻辑》(1985)等。

约翰·埃切曼迪 美国著名逻辑学家、计算机科学与人工智能学家。现任斯坦福大学人文与科学学院帕特里克·苏佩斯讲习教授,HAI(Human-Centered AI Institute)联席主任,曾任斯坦福大学常务副校长(教务长)。主要著作有《说谎者悖论:真与循环》(1987,1989)、《超级证明》...

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