The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 496页 7.9 1999 Addison-Wesley Professional
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 49.99 1999-04-24 … 2023-01-11 … 84
Tim Lindholm      ISBN:9780201432947    原作名/别名:《》
The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification摘要

The nucleus of the Java(TM) 2 platform, the Java(TM) virtual machine is the technology that enables the Java 2 platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without rewriting or recompiling. The Java virtual machine is also responsible for the compactness of applications targeting the Java 2 platform, and is the basis for its security capabilities. This book...


The nucleus of the Java(TM) 2 platform, the Java(TM) virtual machine is the technology that enables the Java 2 platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without rewriting or recompiling. The Java virtual machine is also responsible for the compactness of applications targeting the Java 2 platform, and is the basis for its security capabilities. This book was written by those directly responsible for the design and implementation of the Java virtual machine, and is the complete and definitive specification for the technology. It is an essential reference for writers of compilers for the Java programming language and implementors of the Java virtual machine. This second edition specifies the newest version of the Java virtual machine and provides a fascinating view into the inner workings of the Java 2 platform. In this book you will find comprehensive coverage of the class file format, the hardware, operating system, and implementation-independent binary format for compiled code. The authors fully describe the instruction set of the Java virtual machine. You will find an entire chapter of examples that demonstrate how to compile code written in the Java programming language into the instruction set of the Java virtual machine. In addition, the book presents a discussion on the vital topic of Java virtual machine threads and their interaction with memory. All in all, this comprehensive, detailed, and methodical presentation provides the information necessary to implement your own fully compatible Java virtual machine. 0201432943B04062001

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