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Winning the Story Wars读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 288页 2012 Harvard Business Review Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 22.00 2012-07-10 … 2023-01-10 … 11
Jonah Sachs      ISBN:9781422143568    原作名/别名:《》
Winning the Story Wars摘要

Successful video entrepreneur Jonah Sachs shows how those who tell (and live) the best stories will rule the future. Does your brand tell a story? In "Winning the Story Wars", globally recognized storyteller, designer and entrepreneur Jonah Sachs argues that only those brands that tell values-driven stories through the right channels will revolutionize marketing. Above that, they may become humanity's greatest hope for the future. It's no surprise that most of today's marketing messages are swallowed up in a flood of noise the minute they hit the market, with thousands of ads and emails hitting each recipient on a weekly basis. And those recipients, empowered by social media tools and on-demand viewing, will ignore you in favor of something they'd prefer to seek out themselves. In "Winning the Story Wars", Sachs systematically breaks down how communicators can go beyond the sell by creating stories that inspire people not just to listen, but to proselytize. The President and co-founder of Free Range Studios, Sachs has been a David among Goliaths helping hundreds of for-profit and non-profit organizations rise above the din with campaigns built around the internal structures of ancient myth. Even with a modest budget, his first two viral media efforts - "The Meatrix" and "Store Wars" - alone yielded forty million viewers. Drawing on the wisdom of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, Sachs will guide readers to harness myth-making powers of their very own. Weaving prescriptive tools throughout the book, Sachs will help communicators: identify and learn the best myth structures at work today; find a tight-knit audience of evangelists to spread the word; foster the image of their audience as potential heroes; and, watch the message take on a life of its own. This book will speak to the message-makers in any type of company or organization. The "Story Wars" have long been underway, now it's time for heroic communicators to turn the tides away from simple selling, and towards real inspiration.


乔纳· 萨克斯

●Free Range工作室联合创始人和CEO,帮助多个知名品牌和公司用精彩的故事模型突破媒体混战的重围。制作了多部点击量突破千万级的著名视频,包括《黑肉帝国》《东西的故事》等。工作室出品的作品三次荣膺美国西南偏南文化节最佳奖项。

●入选《快公司》杂志 “最具影响力的50位社会革新者”,曾在Salesforce的Dreamforce大会、西南偏南大会、圣丹斯电影节等活动,以及微软、百事、领英等公司发表演讲。

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