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Python Distilled读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 352页 2021 Addison-Wesley Professional
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
2021-09-01 … 2022-12-23 … 79
David M. Beazley      ISBN:9780134173399    原作名/别名:《》
Python Distilled摘要

Python has grown into one of the world's most popular programming languages, with a wealth of reference information available for it. For Python programmers, the richness of modern Python presents new challenges. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin--or even whether you're coding in a reasonable style. Problems like these are the foundation for Dave Beazley's new Python Distilled.

Focusing solely on the latest versions of Python (3.5 and higher), this title returns to the roots of Beazley's classic Python Essential Reference. This new book is a concise but powerfully useful handbook on effective Python programming. Rather than trying to document "everything," Beazley now focuses on what is truly "essential." In so doing, he reflects all he's learned through years of teaching Python to scientists, engineers, and software professionals, as well as writing software libraries and pushing the envelope of what Python makes possible.

Beazley covers abstraction techniques, program structure, data, functions, objects, modules, and other topics selected to serve programmers working on Python projects of any size. He never forgets that productivity isn't enough; programming ought to capture the magic that lives inside the computer. It should be fun, too.


David Beazley is the author of the Python Essential Reference, Fourth Edition (Addison-Wesley), and Python Cookbook, Third Edition (O'Reilly Media). He currently teaches advanced computer science courses through his company, Dabeaz LLC ( He's been using, writing about, speaking about, and teaching Python since 1996.

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