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The Sun King读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 272页 2012 NYRB Classics
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 15.95 2012-05-08 … 2022-12-13 … 81
Nancy Mitford      ISBN:9781590174913    原作名/别名:《》
The Sun King摘要

The Sun King is a dazzling double portrait of Louis XIV and Versailles, the opulent court from which he ruled. With characteristic élan, Nancy Mitford reconstructs the daily life of king and courtiers during France’s golden age, offering vivid sketches of the architects, artists, and gardeners responsible for the creation of the most magnificent palace Europe had yet seen. Mitford lays bare the complex and deadly intrigues in the stateroom and the no less high-stakes power struggles in the bedroom. At the center of it all is Louis XIV himself, the demanding, mercurial, but remarkably resilient sovereign who guided France through nearly three quarters of the Grand Siècle.

Brimming with sumptuous detail and delicious bons mots, and written in a witty, conversational style, The Sun King restores a distant glittering century to vibrant life.


1904年11月28日,南希•米特福德出生于伦敦。她是里兹代尔男爵二世家族的长女,下面有五个妹妹,包括戴安娜•莫斯利夫人、德文郡公爵夫人黛博拉(Deborah)和杰西卡。在自传《荣耀与背叛》(Hons and Rebels)一书中,杰西卡向世人描述了米特福德家族的历史。米特福德姐妹在“咆哮的20年代”(Roaring Twenties)和伦敦的战火中长大成人,并因她们的美貌,她们身上那股上流社会的玩世作风以及政治方面的忠贞不二而闻名于世。南希曾为《女士》(The Lady)和《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)撰写过专栏文章,也曾创作过一系列流行小说,其中包括《追逐爱情》和《恋恋冬季》。这两部作品详细叙述了拉德利特(Radlett)六姐妹各自的上流社会恋情。在20世纪50年代,南希开始创作历史人物传记。她的作品《太阳王》记述了路易十四的生平...

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