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The Violent Bear It Away读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 None页 2010 Blackstone Audio, Inc.
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 29.95 2010-09-15 … 2022-11-03 … 69
Flannery O'Connor      ISBN:9781441756961    原作名/别名:《》
The Violent Bear It Away摘要

First published in 1955, The Violent Bear It Away is now a landmark in American literature. It is a dark and absorbing example of the Gothic sensibility and bracing satirical voice that are united in Flannery O'Conner's work. In it, the orphaned Francis Marion Tarwater and his cousins, the schoolteacher Rayber, defy the prophecy of their dead uncle--that Tarwater will become a prophet and will baptize Rayber's young son, Bishop. A series of struggles ensues: Tarwater fights an internal battle against his innate faith and the voices calling him to be a prophet while Rayber tries to draw Tarwater into a more "reasonable" modern world. Both wrestle with the legacy of their dead relatives and lay claim to Bishop's soul.

O'Connor observes all this with an astonishing combination of irony and compassion, humor and pathos. The result is a novel whose range and depth reveal a brilliant and innovative writers acutely alert to where the sacred lives and to where it does not.










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