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A Defense of Ardor读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 198页 2005 Farrar, Straus and Giroux
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 14.00 2005-10-19 … 2022-10-24 … 72
Adam Zagajewski      ISBN:9780374529888    原作名/别名:《》
A Defense of Ardor摘要

Ardor, inspiration, the soul, the sublime: Such terms have long since fallen from favor among critics and artists alike. In his new collection of essays, Adam Zagajewski continues his efforts to reclaim for art not just the terms but the scanted spiritual dimension of modern human existence that they stake out. Bringing gravity and grace to his meditations on art, society, and history, Zagajewski wears his erudition lightly, with a disarming blend of modesty and humor. His topics range from autobiography (his first visit to a post-Soviet Lvov after childhood exile; his illicit readings of Nietzsche in Communist Poland); to considerations of artist friends past and present (Zbigniew Herbert, Czeslaw Milosz); to intellectual and psychological portraits of cities he has known, east and west; to a dazzling thumbnail sketch of postwar Polish poetry.Zagajewski gives an account of the place of art in the modern age that distinguishes his self-proclaimed liberal vision from the "right-wing radicalism" of such modernist precursors as Eliot or Yeats. The same mixture of ardor and compassion that marks Zagajewski's distinctive contribution to modern poetry runs throughout this eloquent, engaging collection.


亚当·扎加耶夫斯基(Adam Zagajewski),波兰极具国际影响的诗人、小说家、散文家。一九四五年生于利沃夫(今属乌克兰),出生后即随全家迁居格维里策。二十世纪六十年代成名,是新浪潮派诗歌的代表人物。一九八二年移居巴黎。二〇〇二年返回波兰,居住在克拉科夫。他的主要作品有《公报》《肉铺》《画布》《炽烈的土地》《欲望》、《尝试赞美这残缺的世界》等,已被翻译成欧洲多种语言出版。他曾获得多项国内、国际权威大奖,包括二〇〇四年获得由美国《今日世界文学》颁发的诺斯达特文学奖且多次获诺贝尔文学奖提名。

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