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The Book of Questions读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 404页 7.8 1991 Wesleyan
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 32.95 1991-09-15 … 2022-10-07 … 27
Edmond Jabès      ISBN:9780819562470    原作名/别名:《》
The Book of Questions摘要

The Book of Questions, of which volumes IV, V, VI are together published here, is a meditative narrative of Jewish Experience, and, more generally, man's relation to the world. In these volumes the word is personified in the woman Yael, silence in her still-born child Elya. Even though words imply ambiguity and lies, they are the home of the exile. A book becomes the Book, fragments of the law that are in some way unified, where past and present, the visionary, and the common place, encounter each other. For Jabes every word is a question in the book of being. Man defines himself in the world against all that threatens his existence- death, the infinite, silence, that is, God, his primal opponent. How can one speak what cannot be spoken?


埃德蒙·雅贝斯(Edmond Jabès,1912—1991),法国著名诗人、作家、哲学家和宗教思想家,犹太人。“二战”后法国最著名的文学人物之一,对德里达、布朗肖等法国思想家产生过深刻影响。生于埃及,熟谙法语。1956年苏伊士运河危机爆发后被迫离开埃及流亡巴黎,1967年加入法国国籍。同年成为蒙特利尔世界博览会上展示其作品的四位法语作家之一(另三位是萨特、加缪和列维-斯特劳斯)。1987年获法国国家诗歌大奖。


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