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The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 400页 2001 Cambridge University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 25.99 2001-07-30 … 2022-09-21 … 77
Roy Porter      ISBN:9780521002523    原作名/别名:《》
The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine摘要

Against the backdrop of an unprecedented concern for health today, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine not only surveys the rise of medicine in the West from earliest times to the present day, but also glimpses into the future. It is written by a team of experts co-ordinated by one of the most distinguished and prolific writers and researchers into the history of medicine, Professor Roy Porter. Both authoritative and accessible, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Medicine is the only serious choice for a reader wanting a lively and informative single-volume introduction to medical history.


罗伊・波特(Roy Porter)是伦敦维尔康医史研究所的医学社会史教授,曾在剑桥大学和洛杉矾加州大学任教。他在医学史领域著述丰富,最近出版的著作包括:《社会的医生:托马斯・比多斯与启蒙时代晚期英格兰的医疗业》(1991)、《伦敦:社会史》(1994)、《人类最大的福利:人文医学史》(1997)等。不久还将出版一部关于启蒙时期英国的历史著作。波特教授的主要研究兴趣是18世纪的医学、精神病史和江湖医生的历史。

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