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A Dark Page in History读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 240页 2012 University Press of America
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 70.00 2012-10-12 … 2022-09-09 … 88
Lu, Suping 编      ISBN:9780761858812    原作名/别名:《》
A Dark Page in History摘要

On December 13, 1937, Japanese troops captured China's former capital, Nanjing. The events that followed became known as the Rape of Nanking, or the Nanjing Massacre, which, with its magnitude and brutality, shocked the civilized world. Mass executions, rampant raping, wholesale looting, and widespread burning went on for weeks. After the worst of the atrocities was over, three American diplomats were allowed to return to the fallen city on January 6, 1938. Three days later, British Consul Humphrey Ingelram Prideaux-Brune, Military Attache William Alexander Lovat-Fraser, and Air Attache J. S. Walser, along with German diplomats, arrived in Nanjing on the HMS Cricket to reopen the British Embassy. The British diplomats continuously sent out dispatches reporting local conditions before and after their arrival. These documents form a consistent and reliable record of the massacre, its aftermath, and the general social conditions in the months that followed. This book contains a collection of British diplomatic documents, Royal Navy reports of proceedings, and U.S. naval intelligence reports. A Dark Page in History is extremely valuable as these newly unearthed documents undoubtedly enhance our knowledge and understanding of the scope and depth of the tragedy in Nanjing.


陆束屏:1982年毕业于南京师范学院外文系,1987年赴美深造,先后毕业于俄亥俄大学与南卡罗莱那大学,现为内布拉斯加大学教授。主要英文著作有They Were in Nanjing (2004), Terror in Minnie Vautrin's Nanjing (2008), A Mission under Duress (2010) 与A Dark Page in History (2012)。因其在南京大屠杀研究领域的成果及其在英语世界的传播,被南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆授予特别贡献奖。

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