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The History of Development读书介绍

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书籍 288页 2008
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$ 38.36 2008-12-01 … 2022-08-21 … 53
Rist, Gilbert      ISBN:9781848131897    原作名/别名:《》
The History of Development摘要

In "The History of Development" Gilbert Rist provides a complete and powerful overview of what the idea of development has meant throughout history. He traces it from its origins in the Western view of history, through the early stages of the world system, the rise of US hegemony, the supposed triumph of the third world, through to new concerns about the environment and globalization. In two completely new chapters on the Millennium Development Goals and post-development thinking, Rist brings the book completely up to date. Throughout, he argues persuasively that development has been no more than a collective delusion, which in reality has only resulted in widening market relations, despite the good intentions of its advocates. Lucidly and powerfully written, this new edition is more essential than ever for students and practitioners of development.


【瑞士】吉尔贝·李斯特(Gilbert Rist),瑞士学者,国际研究所博士,日内瓦高等发展研究院荣誉教授,后发展理论思想领袖,发展概念和实践研究的奠基人。曾主持“欧洲—第三世界中心”,成效显著。主要研究课题是现代人类学如何使传统社会和异族社会脱颖而出。代表作有《介乎梦想与谎言之间的普通经济学》(巴黎政治学出版社,2012)、《发展史:从西方的起源到全球的信仰》(伦敦Zed Books出版,2003)、《迷失的北方》(合著)、《梦幻与谎言间的常规经济学》等。


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