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A Durable Peace读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 512页 1999 Grand Central Publishing
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 30.00 1999-04-01 … 2022-04-13 … 90
Benjamin Netanyahu      ISBN:9780446523066    原作名/别名:《》
A Durable Peace摘要

Benjamin Netanyahu's primer on pro-Israel politics is an updated version of an earlier book, A Place Among the Nations. There's a good reason for the revision, of course: in the years since the first book was published, Netanyahu has served as the prime minister of Israel. Yet A Durable Peace is not a stale politician's memoir. It's a resounding plea for Israel's acceptance as a full member of the world community, as well as a call for understanding its unique security needs.

Netanyahu displays his knack--perfect for the television era but also helpful on these pages--for channeling complex ideas into pithy statements. Here's Netanyahu on the importance of Israel to the Jewish people: "If there had been a Jewish state in the first half of the [20th] century, there would have been no Holocaust. And if there had not been a Jewish state after the Holocaust, there would have been no Jewish future." On the need for Arab concessions in the peace process: "For the sake of peace, [the Arab states] must renounce their claims to part of the four ten-thousandths--.0004--of the lands they desire, which constitute the very heart of the Jewish homeland and the protective wall of the Jewish state." These are the statements of a skilled debater, and they represent a one-sided view of Middle Eastern politics. Yet Netanyahu also provides an excellent introduction to Zionism and the need to protect a small country against neighbors who have waged war against it. --John J. Miller


本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamir Netanyahu),1949年10月21日生于以色列的特拉维夫。1967-1972年在以色列国防军特种部队服役。1975年毕业于美国麻省理工学院建筑和商业管理系,获学士、硕士学位。1976-1988年,在尤纳森反恐怖研究机构执委会任委员、主任,1982-1984年任以色列驻美国使团副团长。1984-1988年任以色列常驻联合国代表。1988-1991年任外交部副部长。1991-1992年任总理府副部长。1993年当选为利库德集团主席。1996年5月在以大选中当选为以色列第27届政府总理,1998年兼任外长。1999年1月蝉联利库德集团主席。2005年12月,再次当选利库德集团主席,并于2007年8月获得连任。2009年3月31日,第二次出任以色列政府总理。 1998年5月对中国进行正式访问。

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