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A Turn to Empire读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 400页 2006 Princeton University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 32.50 2006-07-10 … 2022-04-11 … 76
Jennifer Pitts      ISBN:9780691127910    原作名/别名:《》
A Turn to Empire摘要

A dramatic shift in British and French ideas about empire unfolded in the sixty years straddling the turn of the nineteenth century. As Jennifer Pitts shows in "A Turn to Empire", Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, and Jeremy Bentham were among many at the start of this period to criticize European empires as unjust, as well as politically and economically disastrous for the conquering nations. By the mid-nineteenth century, however, the most prominent British and French liberal thinkers, including John Stuart Mill and Alexis de Tocqueville, vigorously supported the conquest of non-European people. Pitts explains that this reflected a rise in civilizational self-confidence, as theories of human progress became more triumphalist, less nuanced, and less tolerant of cultural difference. At the same time, imperial expansion abroad came to be seen as a political project that might assist the emergence of stable liberal democracies within Europe. Pitts shows that liberal thinkers usually celebrated for respecting not only human equality and liberty but also pluralism supported an inegalitarian and decidedly nonhumanitarian international politics. Yet, such moments represent not a necessary feature of liberal thought but a striking departure from views shared by precisely those late-eighteenth-century thinkers whom Mill and Tocqueville saw as their forebears. Fluently written, "A Turn to Empire" offers a novel assessment of modern political thought and international justice, and an illuminating perspective on continuing debates over empire, intervention, and liberal political commitments.



封 底 语:

珍妮弗.皮茨……通过展示18世纪和19世纪早期杰出的英法自由主义者对于帝国主义的深刻批判,表明了对帝国主义的支持并非自由主义所 固有的特征。……该书行文优美,治学不同凡响。



——大卫.阿米蒂奇,哈佛大学,《大英帝国的意识形态起源》(The Ideological Origins of the British Empire)的作者


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