How to use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom: The Complete Guide 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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How to use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom: The Complete Guide读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 226页 2015 CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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2015-09-19 … 2022-03-22 … 28
Mike Gershon      ISBN:9781517432010    原作名/别名:《》
How to use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom: The Complete Guide摘要

How to Use Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom: The Complete Guide is your one-stop shop for improving the quality of the lessons, questions, activities and assessments you plan. Never before has there been such a detailed, practical analysis of the taxonomy – of how it works, why it works and how you can use it to raise achievement in your classroom. Packed with ideas, activities, strategies and techniques, the book unpicks the taxonomy level-by-level, giving you everything you need to master using it in your day-to-day practice. Written with the busy teacher in mind, How to Use Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom examines the tool every teacher knows about by answering all the questions you were afraid to ask! Topics covered include: What is the taxonomy and how does it work?; Knowledge and Comprehension; Application and Analysis; Synthesis and Evaluation; Objectives and Outcomes; Activities and Products; Questioning; Stretch and Challenge; and Assessment. All in all, the book is a must-have for any teacher looking to raise achievement, develop their planning and stretch and challenge the thinking of their students. Written by expert teacher, trainer and author Mike Gershon, the book will enhance your skills, giving you everything you need to improve your practice and support your learners.


Mike Gershon is an expert educationalist whose knowledge of teaching and learning extends across the age ranges and the curriculum. His online teaching tools have been viewed and downloaded more than 3.5 million times by teachers in over 180 countries and territories. They include the now famous Starter Generator, Plenary Producer and AFL Toolkit. He is also the author of more ...

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