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Define and Rule读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 168页 2012 Harvard University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 29.95 2012-10-30 … 2022-03-19 … 40
Mahmood Mamdani      ISBN:9780674050525    原作名/别名:《》
Define and Rule摘要

Define and Rule focuses on the turn in late nineteenth-century colonial statecraft when Britain abandoned the attempt to eradicate difference between conqueror and conquered and introduced a new idea of governance, as the definition and management of difference. Mahmood Mamdani explores how lines were drawn between settler and native as distinct political identities, and between natives according to tribe. Out of that colonial experience issued a modern language of pluralism and difference. A mid-nineteenth-century crisis of empire attracted the attention of British intellectuals and led to a reconception of the colonial mission, and to reforms in India, British Malaya, and the Dutch East Indies. The new politics, inspired by Sir Henry Maine, established that natives were bound by geography and custom, rather than history and law, and made this the basis of administrative practice. Maine's theories were later translated into "native administration" in the African colonies. Mamdani takes the case of Sudan to demonstrate how colonial law established tribal identity as the basis for determining access to land and political power, and follows this law's legacy to contemporary Darfur. He considers the intellectual and political dimensions of African movements toward decolonization by focusing on two key figures: the Nigerian historian Yusuf Bala Usman, who argued for an alternative to colonial historiography, and Tanzania's first president, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who realized that colonialism's political logic was legal and administrative, not military, and could be dismantled through nonviolent reforms.


马姆达尼,印度裔乌干达学者,乌干达马凯雷雷大学社会研究中心主任,美国哥伦比亚大学政治学讲座教授。主要研究领域是非洲研究和国际政治、殖民主义与后殖民主义、知识生产的政治等,代表作有:《公民与臣民:当代非洲与后殖民遗产》(普林斯顿大学出版社,1996) 《当受害者变成凶手:殖民主义、排外主义和卢旺达大屠杀》(普林斯顿大学出版社,2002) 《拯救者与幸存者:苏丹达尔富尔、政治与反恐战争》(潘塞恩图书公司,2010)

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