ElRostrodelaVenganza剧情介绍 电视剧_剧情内容介绍_剧情呢
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类别 集数 编剧 地区 年代 首播平台
电视剧 124集 Sebastián Arrau 美国 2012
导演 首播时间 最近访问 访问指数
Nicolás Di Blasi 2020-02-20 … 2021-11-29 … 278
David Chocarro,Marlene Favela,Maritza Rodríguez,Elizabeth Gutiérrez,Saúl Lisazo

El Rostro de la Venganza tells the story of Diego Mercader (Jorge Eduardo García), a 8 year-old boy, bullied and harassed in school by his classmates. He suffers a breakdown and is urged by unknown persons to shoot 7 of his colleagues, being given access to a gun from a lockroom. Accused of the mass murder, he enters a prison for psychological diseases.

  Twenty years later, psychiatrist Antonia Villaroel (Maritza Rodríguez) obtains his liberation by legal means and with the support of a generous benefactor Ezequiel Alvarado (Saúl Lisazo).

  Diego is being given a new identity, the one of Martín Méndez (David Chocarro) and tries to renew his life under the employment of Ezequiel. He is put as the personal bodyguard of his fiancee, Mariana (Elizabeth Gutiérrez), compromised in an outrageous relationship with his son, Luciano (Jonathan Islas).

  He will find himself in a maze of intrigues and betrayal, sustained by Antonia's decision to find the truth about the murders and by Ezequiel's family.


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